Monday, December 7, 2009


Hi! My anme is Ann and I am a twelve year old orphan. My parents left me on the doorstep of this nunnery in 1908. The nuns suspect I was born July 8. 1908 because I look like I was few days old. I hate that they left me on the doorstep of this awful place we get treated like scum. I’m only twelve and I can wait until I can leave this orphanage. The nuns take advantage of their position. Sister Maggie is one of them. Don’t cross her path unless you want the strap to your bottom. She is the meanest nun in here. I think she hates children. She sure does act like it. She never smiles and she always had a mean look in her eyes that will make a bird run away. I heard that she kill a rabbit for no reason. She is a nun! How can someone be that cold-hearted?

I live in a small room with my two best friends in the world!! Sarah and Emily are the best they kept me alive when I got punish my Sister Maggie. I could eat food for a week and they use to sneak food into our room.

“Ann how are you today?” I look up it was Sara she is walking toward me with grace that would put the rich to same. She is fifteen and she taught me how to act and walk. Her blonde hair is always in a ponytail, but when we have lunch social with the other girls in the nunnery she wears her hair in curls.

“I’m fine. I just feel like today is going to be a bad day.” I put my hand through my black curly hair. It got tangle in my hair. I hate my hair and the mass of knots that it produces. I try combing it but it doesn’t help.

“Everything is going to be o.k. don’t worry about.” Sarah is my voice of reason, but it’s not.
I walk to my room and I see Sister Maggie heading towards my way with a determine look on her face. I can’t believe this she is going to tell me to do something.

“Where are you going Ann?”

“I am going to the chapel to pray.” I said lying to her. I hope god can understand.

“That’s a lie. You’re not going to Chapel. You haven’t been to chapel all this week , and now all of something you want to go to chapel? Where are you really going?”

I look at Sister Maggie she could make anyone tell the truth. I sigh and I look up at her with sad eyes. I will try to see if by sad face will get em out of this situation.

“Sister Maggie. How can you accuse me of something I didn’t do? I want to go pray. I want to go ask God to forgive me for not praying to him all this week.” I said quietly like a little child.

“Yeah well I want you to do something for me. Come to my office.” I didn’t want to go, but I had to go. I hate doing what she says. We walk down the long hallway where her office is. It smells of roses, and vanilla. It is a interesting fragrance.
“Sit down Ann. I have to talk to you. “ I sit down in her a chair that has a pillow on top of it. It awkward sitting down.
“Ann you’ve been here since you where a baby. You’ve grew up in these halls and filled them with laughter, and sometimes troublesome antics. Now it’s time for you to get a surprise.”
What is she talking about? Why is she acting nice to me all of sudden? It has got to be a trick.
“We have just found out that a nice couple in Chicago wants to adopt you.” I stood up in my chair with a look of surprise plaster on my face.
“What!” That is all I could say. I can’t believe I’m getting adopted.

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