Wednesday, December 8, 2010


That's the title folks.  OH NOOO!!! Why do you ask? well I decided to take a break from school. yes a break.
I know what your thinking reader.  WHY?? I read everything about breaks from school. You don't go back.  You will have a life that will take you other places and you will just not go back.  Well reader as I'm writing this I made the decision that I will go back and complete what I started.  It just that right now school isn't for me.  I love writing at the moment and I'm planning on completing my novel and gain some real-life skills.  I have a job right now but I want another one and I hope that I will find one soon.
Writing is my passion and I know that I may not be the best at what I love but I will get better and at this rate everything is possible with life.
I want to be happy again reader.  Right now I'm stress, confuse, and I nervous.  I'm going to take a break and find a internship and live.  Actually live life to the fullest.  I don't want to go through the mundane attempt with life that is school, work, friends, wake up and do it over again.  I want adventure and if I meet that special someone and he doesn't like what I do he can move on.  Life is full of possibilities that should be conquer.  To me life is about the journey and not the destination.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why I love writing

Reading is something I enjoyed since the age of twelve, but when I was in grade school I also wrote mini stories for my classes.  My first novel I picked up was a series called Nancy Drew.  Its about a young woman who solves mysteries for a living while going to school.  I gobble those books up with every line and page I read.   Than I became more advance and came up with the idea of writing a book.  When I was fifteen I wrote a short story called Galactic Jewel about a teenage princess who have to go across the galaxy to find nine jewels to save her planet.  I didn't win first place but I reread the book and revise it over the years.   I got writers block so I put it away and two years I look at it again and I thought to myself what was I thinking.  Part of the book was ramblings and the other was messed up with scribbles and scratches.

I put that book away and now I am writing mysteries which I love.  I found an outlet for my anger and put it in a book.   Last year I started writing this mystery book that has a dark and dangerous feel to it.  At that time when I was writing it I was in a depress mood and my healing process was through writing.  I didn't realized it would turn out to be a murder mystery, but hey isn't that what life about.  Expect the unexpected.

Now I realized that writing is my strong point and I need to focus on that to developed it and strengthen it as I go through schooling.  I can't wait to finish school and go on with life.  I believe everything happens for a reason and I take the good with bad, The bad with the good,

                                                          Sincerely Yours,


Thursday, December 2, 2010


December has finally come and I'm so excited!!! Well as you know this is the month of Christmas and the season of giving.   I love December because I love the holiday shows that come on and the Christmas decorations that happens as well.  I'm planning on taking out my Tree this weekend so wish me luck.  I'm doing it early this year instead of two days before Christmas lol.  

When I was in high school I dream of getting married in December because I love the SNOW!!! Yes snow and any of you who live in the warm parts of the country may think I'm crazy but it is beautiful.  At night when I'm driving through my town I love looking at the white fluffy stuff that blankets the house and the street.  I love the way the moon reflects off the snow making it look like diamonds as it lightens up the night.  

Another reason why I like the snow because of the footsteps in the snow.  I like looking at the footsteps to see who made them and guess what gender it was.  yes I know I'm weird.  If there is a path in the snow that isn't travel i will travel it and make my own way.  

I also like to make desert and food during the holidays and I cant wait till Christmas comes so I can cook.  That is my hobby well next to writing. I live in the Midwest and I can;t wait until spring, summer, fall, and winter comes around because I love seeing seasonal changes.  

Happy Holidays,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the Ramblings

Ok it has been a long time since I written and I must say a lot has happen in the past month.  I got two jobs. yes two job! but I had to quit one because my car broke down :(.  I know it sucks.  I like that job and I was making good money.   now I work at a clothing store which I like and I cant wait until January so I can go back to school.     Im almost done with school and I ahve two more years to go!!! Yes Im happy.  then I will be done with tests, papers, and finals.   I can't wait for the new year to arrive and I cant wait to see what happens to me next year.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Right now as I'm writing this page I have found inner peace that I haven't had in a long time.  There is no confusion and no rambling of thought in my head.  I'm not worry about school. family, or my career.  I feel good.  I wish I was like this all the time.  I do care about my life but sometimes I overthink alot and I get confused and sad but today is one day that i WILL enjoy!!! <3 Heres a link to a video called Peace is flowing like a river!!

Peace is Flowing Like a River

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Presidential Candidate

I woke up listening to my alarm clock well the radio actually and its playing an old song that I don't know.
"Karen wake up! You're going to be late for school."
I listen to mom as she tries to get me up. I hate the morning I wish I could stay in and sleep. I pull the covers over my head in an attempt to go back to sleep. Then I hear the loud knocking on my door.
"Karen I said wake up." My mom opens the door and she pull the covers off of me, and she pulls the curtains open. The blinding sun came in and I cover my eyes with my left arm.
"Mom I need the curtains close I have to get back to sleep."
"No you don't. What you need is to get up its almost seven and you're going to be late for school." Shit I;m going to be late.
I grab a knee-length pink dress and grey cardigan out of the closet. My dress has ruffles at the bottom and my cardigan is a button up. I put them on at a lightning speed that would have put superman to shame.
I run downstairs and I grab a piece of toast from my mom plate.
"Hey get your own!"
"I can't Im in a hurry."  I went to the door and I slide into my heels today is going to be a good day I'm running for class president and Jeremy ask me out.  I finally have a date for prom.