Monday, September 21, 2009

A blog in under an hour?? Nope it took two.

She look at her and in disbelief she rubbed her eyes. This can not be happening. Not her. Not now. She was judt introduced to her boss and boy was it a shocker. She took this receptionist job in order to pay her rent and pay her college tuition. She did not think that taking this job would land her in the arms of her ex bestfriend"Ms. Jamison? Ms. Jamison.." "Uh?" "Would you stop daydreaming and get to work. I need you to get my coffee from Starbucks and pick up my files from Mr. Thomson. He is the Public Relations Excutive on the top floor he has some plans that will take Butterfly Fashions to the next level. Gwen look at her."Hellooooo....Ms. Jamison. Are you there?" She shook off her shock and replied."Yes. I here. I mean.." "Where you paying any attention to what I just saying..?""Uh...""No don't answer that. Just go." "Gwen I hope you remember the kind of coffee I like." Gwen looks at her. It was going to be hell working in here especially with Emily as her boss. Gwen walk to the elevator and made her way to Starbucks. It was across the street and it was convenient. "She wouldn't be working me like a slave if we didn't have that fight years ago."
"Gwen I can’t believe you! You sold my ideas for that dress to Sarah. I know it would come down to this but now right before finals. That was my dress and my idea and you gave it to her. I have half a mind to kill you right now.”
Gwen just look at her. She did not know what was going on and she did not know what she was talking about. She was gone for two days and when she came back all hell breaks loose.
“What are you talking about I did not sell your dress idea to Sarah. I hardly talk to her and I been gone for two days because of the funeral I had to go to.” Emily look at her in disbelief she cannot believe her friend sold her dress for a thousand dollars. She thought she knew her but this situation she has to rethink everything.
Emily stepped toward Gwen and smacks her.
“Consider our friendship over.”
Gwen look at her in disbelief they have been best friends since elementary school and she letting this situation get the best of her. She still does not know what is going on.
“What is going on here?” She whispered to herself.
The next day Gwen set up a meeting with Sarah. They met at Caribou Coffee. Sarah came strutting up with a Vera Wang purse and a Baby Phat outfit. Her brunette hair in a ponytail and her face in a color that made her look like a mannequin.
“Hi Gwen.” She wave at her acting like everything is peachy.
“What did you do to Emily’s dress? You took it and I know you did.”
“Gwen- before we get straight to the what happens and the what ifs can I least get a cup of coffee. Do you want some?”
“O.k.” I came here to get some answers and I am not leaving until I get some. She thought to herself. How dare she come here like everything is good. I need to know why she brought me into to this mess.
“Gwen I know why you ask me here. I will give you some answers, but you cannot judge me until after I give them to you.”
Not judge her? I already did, but I am a reasonable persona and I will listen to her.
“The other day I took Emily’s dress, but it was for a good reason. I was never planning on selling it or telling the professor it was I who created it. Things got out of hand.”
“I took her dress out of our clothing design class because I wanted to model it at the show I was doing. When I wore it to the show I got great approval ratings and the fashion designer loved it.”
Gwen look at her and said:
“Can you get to the point.”
“O.k. I am saying that our Professor was there and he told me that I got an “A” for the finals and I did not have to come in. I told him it was not my dress and he did not believe me. He told the fashion designer that I was shy and I am a great student and my clothing designs are great as well.”
“The designer told me that he wanted my dress and he gave me a check for a thousand dollars. I couldn’t say no. I need the money to pay for my tuition.”
Gwen look at her in disgust and she stood up.
“Why did you put my name in this mess all you could have is told the truth. The truth!”
“I couldn’t tell the truth then my name would be in the mud and I would have to leave school. You do understand my name is power and if I just said that the dress is not mine than it will put my family’s name in the mud.”
“Sarah you are a spoiled brat and you are going to get in trouble one day.”
The door slammed behind them and Emily came in.
“Wow here you two both at the scene of the crime. Are planning on killing em next?”
“Emily.. Sarah has something to tell you, and she will tell you now.”
Sarah look at them both and she got up and left.
“Emily if you want to know who stole your dress look to your left. She will tell you everything.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
Emily looks at Gwen.
“Wow still denying it. I have something to say we are done. Lose my number and don’t say hi to me anymore.”
Gwen look at Emily as she walk out the door.


One year later

“Welcome to Butterfly Fashions! Today is the premiere of our new spring line.”
“Gwen and I are happy to be part of this company. We are also proud of the hard-work and determination that was put into making this new collection of fashions.”
“Over the past year we had people who wanted this company to be shut down, but we did not let that happen. So now we proudly present our new collections.”
Gwen and Emily went backstage and look at the dresses they made. It was a long hurdle to get here, but it was worth it.
“Gwen..I am sorry about what happen this past year and what happen in college. It was immature of me to leave out like that.”
“It is o.k. I forgive and I am happy that we work out our differences.”
Emily still felt bad about what happen and if it wasn’t for Gwen this company would have bene ruined.
“Gwen. Thank you for saving me and the company. If it wasn’t for you the company would have been in shambles and Sarah would have brought me out.”
“I can’t believe I almost took her side over yours again.” Emily told Gwen.
“It’s o.k. Now that we are friends again I will not let nothing between our friendship.”

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