Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Day In The Life

5:00- The alarm rings in Kate's ear. "One of these days I am going to kill the alarm clock." Kate wakes up and prepare for the day ahead.
"Good Morning Honey." Daniel said to her.
"Sweetie we have to wake the children up at six o' clock. It the first day back to school."
"O.k. I am going to make breakfast while you get dress."
Kate went to the shower and turn the hot water water.
Another school year another group of kids. I wonder if they willing to learn.
My name is Kate Potterhouse and I am a High School English Teacher. i love my job and teaching is my main job right now. I want to be a publish writer but when that time comes I have my teaching job.
6:00-"Kate...Sweetie are you done yet?"
"I am dress and ready to eat. I am going to wake up John."
Kate made her way down the hall and went to her John room
"John wake up it time to get ready for school."
"I am already up. Daddy woke me up long time ago."
""O.k. lets go downstairs and eat before we leave."
Kate and John went downstairs and ate breakfast. Kate had to be at work at seven o'clock and Daniel had to be at work at eight. He bring john to school every morning.
7:00-Washburn High School office hour
Kate works at Washburn High School in Chicago, Illinois its on the south side of Chicago. The kids that come to school have parents in jail or single mothers on welfare. These kids come to school just because they have to if it were to them they would come at all. This is her first year and she doesn't feel confident in herself to do this. She only taught first through four hours.
7:30 First Period
Kate walks into class and sits down. She look at the class and some of them are throwing paper planes and spit balls. She greets them with a smile.
"Hi class. Welcome to English 101 this is freshman English and we are going to have a good time this trimester." A student raises his hands.
"Do we have to be here because I want to leave. I hate English."
Kate look at him and she smile. This is going to be a difficult year. How am I going to get these kids to like English.
"Yes you do its required for most of your classes that you will take."
There was a protest in the class.
"We already know English."
"English is not text words that you use on your cellphone or the words you hear in rap videos. It Shakespeare with Romeo and Juliet and Jane Austen with Pride and Prejudice."
"You mean the movies with 'thou' we don't say those words anymore. Those are for old people. If we are going to study those books I can watch the movies."
Kate sat down and she knew that part was going to come.
"To pass my class you can not watch the movies. My questions will come directly from the book."
"I will make this class fun for both you and I."
After she got yell at by the student an uproar from all the students came up. They didn't want tests and they certainly did not want to study Romeo and Juliet.
The next periods went by fast and the same complaining was heard by Kate.
12:30 "How am I going to survive this year." she said aloud to herself while she was in her office.
"Its time for me to go." Then there was a knock on her door.
"Come in." One of her students came in."
"Hi Mrs. Potterhouse my name is Emma and I am one of your students."
"Hi Emma. Sit down. I remember you. You were the girl that call me a stupid bitch." Emma wince at that comment.
"I am sorry but you don't understand. If I didn't do what they wanted they woudl call me a softie and that would lose my rep."
"Mrs.Potterhouse I love English and I love writing. I have a book full of poems and stories and I want to get them published but I am scared. I want a life that is not part of the Ghetto."
"I have seen my own crew die from gang wars. I have been in a million foster homes and I ahet it."
kate listen to her story it was sad and she started to cry.
"You want to get publish. I will help you but you have to show me that you are willing to do the work and not play around. You have turn in all your work and participate. I know it will be hard but you can do it."
Emma look hopeful but scared at the same time.
"I will try to participate but I don't know if I can do it all the time."
"O.k. Emma if you work on that I can find different publishers to help you to your goal."
"Thanks Mrs. Potterhouse."
Emma left her office. It is One thrity and she had to go to the store and buy some items for dinner.
"How was your day sweetie?"
Kate look at him with a mixed facial expresison.
"It was horrible, scary, and exciting all at the same time."
"Thats good. Do you think you can handle being at that high school?"
"Yes I can. Even though I may be a newbie I can handle what life give me."
"How was your day John?"
John look up at her with his face full of spagetti and his eyes widen.
"Mommy it was exciting. Third grade was awesome. We have a new music teacher and she is fun. She let us pick out our own instruments and play them. I love music class."
"How about the other classes?" Kate ask him.
"They were good to but I like msuic."
"We have a musician on how hands Kate."
Kate lookat Daniel and knew life just couldn't get any better than this. She was ready for teaching and hoping to inspire the students who go there.

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