Monday, September 21, 2009

Week three post

Sorry about the late post
Little Red Riding hood in the Hood
One upon a time there was a beautiful young girl who lived in Bronx, New York. She was loved by her mom and grandmother. One day her mom made cookies to take to her grandma house.
“Yo Red! Come take these cookies to yo grandma house before they get cold.”
“O.k. ma I am coming.” I can’t believe I have to go to grandma house I have a date tonight.
“You know ma I have to cancel my plans with Damien. He was going to take me to this nice restaurant over in Manhattan.”
Her mom rolled her eyes.
“If he likes you to much he will wait until tomorrow or plan it someday else. Now take these cookies to yo grandma hosue before I whip you with this telephone cord.”
“I’m going.” Red took her basket and rode her bike to her grandma house she didn’t have a car and she wishes that she had one. It was seven o clock and the sun had not set and there the same people hanging out on the streets.
“Yo red. Where you going!”
“I am goin to am grandma house. I will be back.”
She rode farther down until a guy in a black suit stopped her and ask where she was going.
“I’m going to my grandma house so you need to stay away from me or I will cut you.”
“I was going to ask you if you need a ride over there. It is getting pretty late and a beautiful girl like you should not be out.”
Red rolled her eyes. She know about guys who steal pretty girls like her and she was not going to talk to him.
“I can handle myself. Now I am goin to ask you for the last time to get out of my way and leave me alone.” He moves to the side and she rode off. She heard laughter from behind her.
“Creepy.” She said to herself.
The guy in the black suit follows her until she got to her grandma house in Manhattan. He took the back entrance and ran to the living room. He grab her grandma before she reaches the door and stuff her mouth with old socks.
“Grandma! Grandma are you there?”
“I got you some cookies that mom made. She should have called you to let you know I am coming.” Red put the cookies on the kitchen table.
“Come in darling.”
“Hi grandma. These cookies are still hot and their yo favorite-mint chocolate chip cookies.”
“Thank you dear.”
“Grandma you sound different.”
“I have a cold sweetie.”
“Grandma. What big arms you have.”
“All the better to hug you with, my dear.”
“Grandma. What big legs you have.”
“All the better to run with, my dear.”
“Grandma. What big ears you have.”
“All the better to hear you with, my dear.”
“Grandma. What big eyes you have.”
“All the better to see you with, my dear.”
“Grandma. What a big hands you have.”
“All the better to strangle you with, my dear.”
The guy in the black suit came out with a knife and tried killing her but she knew how to fight. The fell to the floor and she punch him and he punch her back.
In the background the cops came and she kneed him in the balls and took the knife and threw it out the window.
“Police put your hands up.”
The police came and she told them about him and they took him away. They found grandma in the closet and she told them what happen.

1 comment:

  1. Miracle,
    You've got some great dialogue in this piece. I loved the idea of putting Hood in the 'hood. This line of dialogue rang really true: "If he likes you to much he will wait until tomorrow or plan it someday else. Now take these cookies to yo grandma house before I whip you with this telephone cord."
