Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Little Cafe


We see Michelle and Dean in a café in Chicago she is drinking an espresso and he is having a croissant. They are old college friends and they are catching up on old times. They start off talking about what they did in college and how there lives are now. Then Dean changes the subject.
“Michelle you know Halloween is coming up?”
“So what. I don’t like Halloween.” Dean move closer to her face.
“My mom birthday is on Halloween, and I am going to visit her on that day. I want to know if you would like to come with me.”
“Dean I barely know you and you want me to see your parents.”
“I know but I really like you and you know what…?” Michelle lean closer to him
“I’m afraid of Halloween night.” Michelle burst out laughing.
“Michelle it’s not funny.” Michelle is in tears from crying so hard. Her back hair falls in her face.
“Yes. It. Is.” Michelle said between laughs.
“Michelle what are you afraid of?”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I am not going to answer that one.”
“Ahh come on Michelle.” He gave her the puppy dog look.”
“Don’t give me that look, and I will answer a different question.” Michelle looks at him real hard.
“O.k. Let me see what question can I ask you?”
“Ohh I got it. What is the worst thing you ever done in your life?”
“The worst thing I’ve ever done.” Michelle thought about it.
“The worst thing I’ve ever done is steal a TV from a store with my older brother.”
“That’s impossible. No way that Is not true.”
“Yes it is. Don’t you know how easy it is to steal a TV?”
“What store?”
“I can’t say.”
“You can’t or won’t?”
“I won’t o.k. that was when I was fourteen.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 8- Explosion
They can't do this to me. They can't take my house away from me.
"You can't take my house."
"Yes we can ma'am. You bet your house and you lost. Now its mine to do as I please."
"You coward you are going to put an helpless old lady on the street. Wait until I get the news on this."
"Who would want to hear that sob story? A old lady put a bet on horses lose her house and now she is crying. Pathetic." Motley gave her a look the made the hardest of criminals freeze in place. He put his hand to his brow to block the sun rays.
"You are a mean old bastard, and I hate you." Greta yell at him. She is fifty years old and she didn't need this commotion. She had a stroke last year and she couldn't afford to have another one.
"I hate you too but a bet a bet. Now step aside for the nice moving people. There are going to take your stuff and put it in the truck and you can take it anywhere you want. As long as you are off the property by tonight.
"You damn bastard. Kiss my ass!"
"I already did ten years ago. Don't you remember?"
Greta yell at him for talking about that day.
"Don't bring up old memories. The past is the past. Let old memories stay buried with the dead."
"Let lies stay with dogs isn't that what we use to say?"
"O kiss it you old fool."
"I certainly will. you crazy cow."
"I rather be a mad cow than a crazy hatter." Greta told him.
"You still got it Greta I can give it to you. Your mouth is fouler than ever."
"You got the tough talkin' nasty mouth yourself. It's nastier than anybody in all of Tennessee."
"Whoo hoo. I miss are arguments."
"Hey boys you can put her stuff back into the house."
"Are you sure boss?"
"Are we still getting paid for this?"
"Yeah you are."
"I miss you Motley."
"I miss you too Greta baby."

The Glass Of Water

Week 8

Mitchell stop doing homework and felt thirsty. He was thirsty for water. Every fiber in his being was thirsty for water. He have to get a glass of water. He stop doing homework and got up from his desk. He put a pair of sweats because his mom didn't like him to walk around the house in his boxers. He left his room and made it down the hall. All he had to do was turn left and he will be in the kitchen.
"Mitchell come here I need you to do some chores for me." His mom call out to him
"Mom I have to get some water to drink."
"No Mitchell you have to come do this for me first and then you can get some water."
"But Mom."
"No but me come into the garage right now or I will take away your cell phone and X-Box for a month."
Mitchell though to himself about how his mom couldn't ask one of his brothers to do the chore for her.
Mitchell made his way to the garage until his brother David stop him. David is nine and he act like he is five sometimes.
"David come and play with me. I want to beat you at Madden again." David look at Mitchell and smile a toothless smile.
"I can't right now David. Mom want me to help her in the garage."
"You promise me that you would play with me after you get done with homework."
"Well I'm not done with homework. I'm going to help mom with a chore and get some water. After I drink the water I will study, then I will come play with you."
"But you PROMISE!" David starts to cry.
"DAVID stop crying your brother has to do this for me. He will play with you later. Now go play with your X-Box."
"O.k. mom." David stop crying and leaves.
Mitchell walks into the garage and see his mom struggling to pull down a heavy box.
"No wonder why she couldn't ask Cody to help her." Mitchell thought to himself.
"Mom what are you doing?"
"I'm getting some boxes down because they have the Halloween items inside."
"Mom why can't you do this doing the weekend. I have to study for a test tomorrow."
"Stop complaining and help me."
Mitchell help his mom and it took a long time. He thought the boxes was going to take five minutes but his mom needed him to unpack the Halloween supplies in the living room. It took an hour and a half.
"Thanks sweetie your the best."
As Mitchell made his way to the kitchen his brother, Cody, stop him. Cody is fourteen year old and Mitchell is seventeen. They are not that far apart, and they get along fairly well.
"Bro I need to talk to you about this girl I'm seeing. She is hot, fine thang." Cody is also bad at picking the girls.
"Cody I can't talk to you right now. Can we talk later on tonight I really need to get a drink of water. "
"Bro it is an emergency of the highest extent. I'm going to take this girl on a date tonight and she is older than me."
Mitchell didn't want to get suck in but he had to ask.
"How old?"
"She is a senior, and I think you might know her."
Cody spark his interest but he really wants water. He felt like if he didn't have water he would die.
"What's her name?"
"It Karla." Mitchell hate Karla she is the school slut. There are rumors about her that may or may not be true.
"Why her? Why Karla?"
"She saw me. I saw her and we you know hit it off."
"Do you know the rumors about her?"
"Yeah I know about her and the rumors aren't true. She told me they were a lie." What you need to know about Cody is that he falls for ladies and there lies.
"You said you have a question what is it?"
"I want to know where to take her out it is my first date with her and I want to take her out somewhere nice."
"How about McDonald's?" Mitchell starts to laugh.
"Its not funny. I like her and hopefully she like me."
"That is a big hope."
"I heard that."
"I said it out loud oops."
"You not helping. I'm going to ask mom."
"O.k. by. I hope you have fun." Mitchell couldn't believe that his younger brother is going out with the school slut. Tomorrow I will have to talk to him.
Now about that water.
Mitchell made his way to the kitchen and grab a cup from the cabinet. He went to the refrigerator. and grab the water bottle.
In his head he is singing a water song.
"Oh water. how have I miss you. You are clear and cold. I love thee, Oh water. How I will drink you uuuuppp." He sings in his head.
He pours the water in the cup and sat down. He stares at the water for a long time. He takes his hands and feel the cold temperature of the cup.
"Mitchell!!" David comes in crying. Mitchell look at his brother and then look at his cup. He look at his brother again and thecup of water.
"What do you want David?"
"I have a an cut on my hand."
"What did you do?"
"I don't know how it got there. It just did." David came to Mitchell and show him his cut. It wasn't a deep cut, but Mitchell went to the medicine cabinet and got out a bandaide and Neosporin.
"I'm going to clean you up, and then you can go back to playing again."
Mitchell thought to himself that he would never get to that perfect glass of water.
"Here you go you're all fix up."
"Thanks Bro."
Mitchell went to the glass of cup and grab it and starts drinking it. It quench his thirst and the ice-cold water ran through his veins.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 7-The Heat of the Hike

Third level Dialogue

"Nikki I can't believe you talk me into going on this trip. I hate the woods and I hate hiking." Amanda said to her angerily.
"Amanda at the time it was a good idea, and it still is. You thought that hot teacher guy was coming." Amanda blush.
"I will admit it I thought he was coming, but now that he couldn't I am mad. I'm not a country girl. I am a city girl. I love shopping, getting my hair done, and manicures." Nikki ignore her complaints.
"Nikki are you listening to me? It's hot out here, and I bet it is over 100 degrees. I'm sweating like a construction working and my hair is out of place. I do not like this at all." Amanda made a point by pointing at her brown straight hair. It is out of place and fizzing. She look like a poodle.
"I am getting sick and tire of your compalints if you want to talk go to someone else. Oh wait you can't because we are the only people here! I don't need your fustrations taken out on me. We are here and we need to make the best of it." Nikki walk ahead of her. She is sick and tire of hearing Amanda's complaints.
"Nikki I am just saying. We are in the Montana Trail with noone around and somehow we got lost from our group."
"We got lost from our group because somebody over here had to pee and it took her forever to get it done."
"Nikki I had to pee and I wanted to find a comfortable spot. I didn't want to pee with animals and bugs around my sacred place." Amanda told Nikki.
"Well your sacred place was the one that got us in trouble and lost Amanda."
"You have the nerve you're the one who told me that you have a good sense of directions. 'follow me' you said. 'I know where we're going' yeah right you couldn't find a designer suit in the shopping mall even if it bit you."
"That is going too far. You have the nerve. All you think about is yourself and noone else. You go to college for free you treat your family like dirt and you don't care period. I thought you would change when you came along on this trip I guess you didn't."
"I hate you! I don't want to be friends anymore. You are a dumb person and the reason you hang out with me is because you like how rich I am."
"You can't say that because I known you even before your family got to be rich. When you dad got that raise and move up to the upper eastside you went crazy with money. I'm not fool and don't fool yourself. You can take the white girl out the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the white girl."
"That is a fuckin insult. If you want to box we can do it right here."
"I don't want to box with you. I am so over you stupidity. I am going to find a way out of these woods and if you want you can follow me and if you don't you can stay here. It doesn't matter."
Nikki walk off leaving Amanda to follow her.
Amanda stiood there watching Nikki walk off. It is night and on top of that it's cold. Amanda ran after her.
"I am sorry let's just make the best of it." Amanda apologize.
"Are you sure? I'm not going to take you whining and crying."
"I'm sure. It cold I'm dirty and you have the food." Nikki Laugh at that comment.
"O.k. lets go. I have the compass and it is pointing east so we are heading in the right direction." They walk off into the night.

Week 7- There's a robber at the door

There is noise in the background that Kristina hears she is in her bedroom watching TV while her roommate is sleeping.
She runs to her roommate bedroom to wake her up.
"Sophie I hear a noise downstairs and it is by the front door. I think someone is trying to break in."
"Sophie wake up!" I start shaking her.
"Sophie I hear glass. I think he broke the window." Sophie wouldn't wake up so I smack her in the face. I know it's harsh but in this situation it is important.
"What Kristi?"
"Didn't you hear what I was saying. There is a robber DOWNSTAIRS!" Sophie would wake up when I had to yell at her.
"O.k. I'm up. Did you call the cops?"
"No I couldn't because my phone died. I need to use your phone."
"Kristi my phone is right by you it is on the bedside table." I grab the phone. Finally I can call the cops I hope I can get signal because we are in the middle of the woods.
"Kristi call the cops and I am going to get my .22 Caliber Pistol." Sophie runs into the closet while I call the cops. It is a good thing that she brought her gun with us on this trip. At first I didn't like the idea because we wouldn't need it but now I am thankful. While I call the cops Sophie went downstairs. I wish she would have waited for me but she like to do things her way. She is going to be a police officer, so I feel sort of safe. I hear Sophie go downstairs. It is quiet enough where you can hear anything in this house. Maybe it's because I have good hearing I don't know. I finally reach the cops and I tell them about the situation.
"We are sending the police. Stay where you are and don't do anything irrational." I hung up. The dispatch wants me to stay and be scare while my friend is downstairs defending us.
I walk to the stairs and I can see Sophie pull out her gun.
"Stop right there and put the files down. I have a gun and I know how to use it." I wish she wouldn't have to be a hero every time something goes wrong. The robber looks at Sophie and runs towards her and Sophie shoots at him. I am guessing a warning shot, but he didn't even phase. The robber punches Sophie in the face, and run to the back door. Sophie fell to the ground and I run downstairs to help her up.
"What happen? Where did the robber go?" Sophie ask me.
"He went out the back door. I can catch up to him an stop him before he is gone." I told Sophie that because I didn't want her going anywhere.
"Sophie you should stay here you have a bump on your head. We don't know if its a concussion or not." You should have seen Sophie's eyes. I thought she went mad.
"I am fine. I don't want that robber to leave with the files that he took from my house they're important. If I lose them my boss will fire me."
"What is in those files that you value so much?"
"I can't tell you all you need to know is there are important and we need to find them NOW!" Dang Sophie is really piss off. I get it they're important and it's up to me to get it or she will hang this over my head for a very long time.
"O.k. I will go, but I want you to stay here and wait for the police to come."
"If you are going you need to take my gun I don't want anything to happen to you. If something does happen to you I will regret that I let you leave the house." Aw how cute she does have emotions. I thought she is a cold-hearted woman, but she isn't. I took the gun and run to the backyard. I listen to see if I could hear any movement.
"We really need to get lights for the backyard."
I run into the forest at the same time I hear rustling in the bushes. I walk slowly to the bushes. I have to watch my footing because they're fallen tree branches on the ground an I can fall. I watch my steps and at the same time I cock the gun. I like the weight of it in my hands.
"WHO'S THERE?" I yell at the bush.
No one answer so I walk slowly to the bush hoping that the robber was there. The tension in the air is making my heart beat faster I can't take it. I reach for the bush and I jump back. It's a white rabbit with her babies.
"Oh my goodness you scare me." I let out a breath, but then I notice someone running away to the north forest.
"Hey stop robber!" I start running after the robber with every power in my being. You would have though that I run for a living because I am that fast. I jump over trees and past by a few animals that is in my way. I start shooting at the thief but my hits are not accurate enough to stop him.
I gain speed and I ran up to him and tackle him down like a football player. My brothers would be proud of me. It wasn't over he grab me and turn me over. He starts punching me, and I suspect that he want me to go unconscious. I put my hands up to my face to block his punches and it does me no good because I can still feel the pain. I want to be unconscious to get away from the pain, but I can't. I feel his punching stops and then he is force off of me. Their are policeman all around me. I can't believe it they came, and Sophie was beating the robber ass. The police is trying to pull her off of him, but it is no good.
I get up with the help of an EMT.
"I'm fine. SOPHIE! You can stop now. I'm fine."
"I know I'm just punching him to take out my frustrations."
A policeman came up to us and ask if the robber took anything.
"Yes he did he took important papers out of my den and I want them back. She reaches into his coat pocket and took out the important papers.
"They are all here thank goodness."
"Ma'am can I ask you what are in those papers." Sophie walk over to the policeman and gave him a look that would have melt chocolate.
"Mr. Policeman these are important papers that contain the instructions on how to create different worlds." She gave him another look and walk off. I wonder if that is the truth. Nothing surprises me about Sophie, but the policeman look dumbstruck.

Week 6-Vistation Blog

"Did you hear? Mannie's coming in for vacation." Sarah told Kristy.
"WHAT! Not Mannie. I hate Uncle Mannie."
"Sarah every time he comes over for vacation he always have to ask us for money. I dislike having to give him money." Kristy told Sarah. Kristy went into the kitchen with Sarah and took out the roast for the family dinner tonight.
"Kristy don't be rude he is family and family sticks together. If you had hard times I will do my best to help you."
"I know Sarah." Grandmother Ruth came into the kitchen. She has a cane in her hand and she walk with a slight limp. Her white hair in curls fames her face .
"Hi grandmother. How are you?"
Ruth looks up and smile. "I'm fine dearie. It's smells wonderful in here. How's the food coming along? What are we having this evening?"
"Well we are having a roast, mash potatoes, greens, and for dessert it is pecan pie."
"That sounds delicious."
"Grandma I have a question for you? It is about Uncle Mannie." Kristy need to ask her grandmother about what to do with Uncle Mannie. Sarah left the room because she did not want to listen to their conversation.
"Uncle Mannie is coming over to visit and I have a feeling he is going to ask the family for money."
"The family dear or is it about you." Her grandmother peer into Kristy's eyes. Ruth is a smart woman and she knows everything about the family.
"Well yes it is about me I dislike giving him money, because he always ask me first and I am sick and tire of giving him." Kristy said angrily.
"You shouldn't be like that because if you help someone else out and give to them than you will have a reward of ten times the amount. If you don't it's your choice but you are being selfish." Her grandmother put her hand on her shoulder. Her slender hand shows her veins and wrinkles of her age.
"Kristy I may be eighty years old but I know when someone does not want to give anything at all. I know it is hard for you since you lost your job, but trust me if you give back you will get your money back plus extra. Trust me I know. I been there."
Kristy look at her grandmother. She hate it when her grandmother is right. Sarah came into the room and grab the mash potatoes.
"Kristy Uncle Mannie is here and he need to talk to you." Sarah went into the dining room and set the table with the food.
Kristy walk into the dining room slowly. She felt like a little girl again. Uncle Mannie walk up to her and gave her a hug.
"Hi Kristy. I have miss you." He smell of cheap cologne.
"I miss you too." Kristy said without enthusiasm.
"I need to talk to you alone before we start to eat."
I knew this was coming. Kristy said to herself. They walk to the living room and they sat down on the couch.
"I know what you're thinking but I'm not here to ask you for money." Kristy mouth drop.
"I am here for the total opposite. I am here to give you a present. I have been gone for three years and I have not told no one in our family. I have been traveling around the world for three years going to country after country. I have stayed in China for a year and I absolutely love it. I am here now to give you this." He took out a box from his bag, and put it on the table. It was wrapped in some gold foil and she was afraid to open it.
"Go ahead and open it. I have spent time looking for this and I know you like Dragons so I brought it." Kristy grab the box and open it. She reach in and she pull out a crystal dragon.
"Oh my goodness. I like it thank you Mannie."
"I know I have been a pain but I want to give you something. I want to make up for all the money you given me over the years." Kristy hug him and start to cry.
"Aw don't cry. You know how that make me feel."
"O.k. Uncle Mannie I will treasure it. Now lets go eat. I am hungry."
"O.k. lets go." they walk into the dining room and start to eat with the family.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Sahara week six

Maggie is driving through this desolate desert with beads of sweat forming at her brow. She is mad because her air conditioner broke two hours ago, and she hates the heat. She is riding in her jeep to her friend excavation site which is in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Her cell phone starts to ring.
“Wow. I get service in the middle of the desert.” It is Daniel.
“Hello Maggie speaking please leave a message after the tone.” She said to Daniel jokingly.
“Maggie you are something special. I actually thought your answering machine pick up.”
“Well I am that convincing. I am going to be an actress after all. So I think I am heading in the right direction Danny. It is north right?” she ask him because she is unsure of her directions.
“Yes you’re right. If you keep heading north you should see the site. It is full of people. I don’t think you could mes it up.”
“Danny you know my sense of direction is not that good. I got lost going to school when I got my driver’s lincense. Do you remember me calling you up and crying?”
“Yeah I remember it was hilarious.” Daniel starts laugh at that memory.
“Maggie we walk to school every day, and then you get your license and forget how to get there. That made my day. I was laughing so hard.”
“Har. Har. Har. You know what? I am going to let you go. I will see you when I get there.” She hangs up the phone. Maggie hates that she brought up that memory, but he always laughs at that. She likes him so she will do anything to cheer him up.
As she is driving she sees a sidewinder snake in the sand. Maggie stops the car and get out. She is fascinated by the snake. She took her camera, which is around her neck and snap a picture of it. She loves pictures it is a hobby of hers to take pictures of anything she sees. She gets back into the car and she keeps driving. The drive takes her past some greenery which she has not seen since she left the city: It is an Oasis.
“It’s beautiful.” She stops her car at a safe distance and watches the animals at the spring. There are many different animals that are drinking water. She sees a camel come up and starts to take a drink next to a small fox. The camel has one hump and is chewing the grass around the Oasis. The fox has a red coat and he looks at the camel and walks away. Maggie starts taking pictures. She takes each one with pride.
“I am going to have an African collection of animals.” She gets back into her car and starts driving again. She keeps driving without stopping. Night comes and she finally see Daniel site.
“I have arrive. YES!!!!” She sees the guys still working on the site. As she look to her left she sees a outline of a castle.
“MAGGIE!!” Daniel screams her name. She look and see him. He look different since she last saw him six months ago. He grew a beard and he look as if he grew muscle.
“Hey Danny!” she stops the car and get out to hug him.
“I miss you. It has been a long time.” She tells him.
“You always say that every time we are on the phone.”
“I know but I like to say it again.”
“Maggie come on I have a lot to show you.” He took her hand and he grabs the lamp. She was amaze at the site. He has been digging there for five months and he found various items. They were old jewelry that had diamonds on them. Each piece of jewelry had a different color to it. One piece of jewelry caught her attention. It actually commanded attention. It was on a black cloth and it had diamonds all around it and it had a blue diamond in the middle.
“Daniel this piece is beautiful I like it. Do you know who own this piece of jewelry?”
“We think this place was own my kings and queens. There are jewelry here that seems to be what they would wear. We also found a gravesite which had symbols on it that would seem to be what a king would have, so that is a big find. There will be an anthropologist here next week to see if it is a true king.
“That is wonderful Daniel.”
“It is because that will put me on the map. It will show the world that I am a good anthropologist and a scholar. Let me show you. I have the place seal off from visitors, but I can show you.” He took her hand and she instantly melt. She love the way he feel to her. They walk through an underground tunnel where they were lamps hanging on the walls to guide there way to the entrance. She looks on the walls and there were various of Egyptian symbols that she could not understand. They made they way down a flight of stairs.
“Be careful because they are fragile. I don’t want you slipping down.” She walk carefully down the stairs. It was narrow and she felt her anxiety come up. She hate small and tight places it made her feel tight and close up.
“What’s wrong Maggie?”
“I have claustrophobia. I hate small and tight spaces.” He look concern.
“Maggie I could take you back up. I didn’t know. We can go back up.”
“No it is o.k. I want to see your discovery.”
“Your health means more to me than a discovery of some item.” Maggie shook her head.
“I want to continue lets go.” She is determine to see his discovery. They kept walking and to her it seem like hours before they reach their destination. They walk around a pole and made there way to the coffin. It was huge and the coffin was red and had symbols on it. It had a pharoh hold to staffs and he has a bird on top of his head. “Wow this is wonderful.” She stares in amazement.