Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Glass Of Water

Week 8

Mitchell stop doing homework and felt thirsty. He was thirsty for water. Every fiber in his being was thirsty for water. He have to get a glass of water. He stop doing homework and got up from his desk. He put a pair of sweats because his mom didn't like him to walk around the house in his boxers. He left his room and made it down the hall. All he had to do was turn left and he will be in the kitchen.
"Mitchell come here I need you to do some chores for me." His mom call out to him
"Mom I have to get some water to drink."
"No Mitchell you have to come do this for me first and then you can get some water."
"But Mom."
"No but me come into the garage right now or I will take away your cell phone and X-Box for a month."
Mitchell though to himself about how his mom couldn't ask one of his brothers to do the chore for her.
Mitchell made his way to the garage until his brother David stop him. David is nine and he act like he is five sometimes.
"David come and play with me. I want to beat you at Madden again." David look at Mitchell and smile a toothless smile.
"I can't right now David. Mom want me to help her in the garage."
"You promise me that you would play with me after you get done with homework."
"Well I'm not done with homework. I'm going to help mom with a chore and get some water. After I drink the water I will study, then I will come play with you."
"But you PROMISE!" David starts to cry.
"DAVID stop crying your brother has to do this for me. He will play with you later. Now go play with your X-Box."
"O.k. mom." David stop crying and leaves.
Mitchell walks into the garage and see his mom struggling to pull down a heavy box.
"No wonder why she couldn't ask Cody to help her." Mitchell thought to himself.
"Mom what are you doing?"
"I'm getting some boxes down because they have the Halloween items inside."
"Mom why can't you do this doing the weekend. I have to study for a test tomorrow."
"Stop complaining and help me."
Mitchell help his mom and it took a long time. He thought the boxes was going to take five minutes but his mom needed him to unpack the Halloween supplies in the living room. It took an hour and a half.
"Thanks sweetie your the best."
As Mitchell made his way to the kitchen his brother, Cody, stop him. Cody is fourteen year old and Mitchell is seventeen. They are not that far apart, and they get along fairly well.
"Bro I need to talk to you about this girl I'm seeing. She is hot, fine thang." Cody is also bad at picking the girls.
"Cody I can't talk to you right now. Can we talk later on tonight I really need to get a drink of water. "
"Bro it is an emergency of the highest extent. I'm going to take this girl on a date tonight and she is older than me."
Mitchell didn't want to get suck in but he had to ask.
"How old?"
"She is a senior, and I think you might know her."
Cody spark his interest but he really wants water. He felt like if he didn't have water he would die.
"What's her name?"
"It Karla." Mitchell hate Karla she is the school slut. There are rumors about her that may or may not be true.
"Why her? Why Karla?"
"She saw me. I saw her and we you know hit it off."
"Do you know the rumors about her?"
"Yeah I know about her and the rumors aren't true. She told me they were a lie." What you need to know about Cody is that he falls for ladies and there lies.
"You said you have a question what is it?"
"I want to know where to take her out it is my first date with her and I want to take her out somewhere nice."
"How about McDonald's?" Mitchell starts to laugh.
"Its not funny. I like her and hopefully she like me."
"That is a big hope."
"I heard that."
"I said it out loud oops."
"You not helping. I'm going to ask mom."
"O.k. by. I hope you have fun." Mitchell couldn't believe that his younger brother is going out with the school slut. Tomorrow I will have to talk to him.
Now about that water.
Mitchell made his way to the kitchen and grab a cup from the cabinet. He went to the refrigerator. and grab the water bottle.
In his head he is singing a water song.
"Oh water. how have I miss you. You are clear and cold. I love thee, Oh water. How I will drink you uuuuppp." He sings in his head.
He pours the water in the cup and sat down. He stares at the water for a long time. He takes his hands and feel the cold temperature of the cup.
"Mitchell!!" David comes in crying. Mitchell look at his brother and then look at his cup. He look at his brother again and thecup of water.
"What do you want David?"
"I have a an cut on my hand."
"What did you do?"
"I don't know how it got there. It just did." David came to Mitchell and show him his cut. It wasn't a deep cut, but Mitchell went to the medicine cabinet and got out a bandaide and Neosporin.
"I'm going to clean you up, and then you can go back to playing again."
Mitchell thought to himself that he would never get to that perfect glass of water.
"Here you go you're all fix up."
"Thanks Bro."
Mitchell went to the glass of cup and grab it and starts drinking it. It quench his thirst and the ice-cold water ran through his veins.

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