Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 7- There's a robber at the door

There is noise in the background that Kristina hears she is in her bedroom watching TV while her roommate is sleeping.
She runs to her roommate bedroom to wake her up.
"Sophie I hear a noise downstairs and it is by the front door. I think someone is trying to break in."
"Sophie wake up!" I start shaking her.
"Sophie I hear glass. I think he broke the window." Sophie wouldn't wake up so I smack her in the face. I know it's harsh but in this situation it is important.
"What Kristi?"
"Didn't you hear what I was saying. There is a robber DOWNSTAIRS!" Sophie would wake up when I had to yell at her.
"O.k. I'm up. Did you call the cops?"
"No I couldn't because my phone died. I need to use your phone."
"Kristi my phone is right by you it is on the bedside table." I grab the phone. Finally I can call the cops I hope I can get signal because we are in the middle of the woods.
"Kristi call the cops and I am going to get my .22 Caliber Pistol." Sophie runs into the closet while I call the cops. It is a good thing that she brought her gun with us on this trip. At first I didn't like the idea because we wouldn't need it but now I am thankful. While I call the cops Sophie went downstairs. I wish she would have waited for me but she like to do things her way. She is going to be a police officer, so I feel sort of safe. I hear Sophie go downstairs. It is quiet enough where you can hear anything in this house. Maybe it's because I have good hearing I don't know. I finally reach the cops and I tell them about the situation.
"We are sending the police. Stay where you are and don't do anything irrational." I hung up. The dispatch wants me to stay and be scare while my friend is downstairs defending us.
I walk to the stairs and I can see Sophie pull out her gun.
"Stop right there and put the files down. I have a gun and I know how to use it." I wish she wouldn't have to be a hero every time something goes wrong. The robber looks at Sophie and runs towards her and Sophie shoots at him. I am guessing a warning shot, but he didn't even phase. The robber punches Sophie in the face, and run to the back door. Sophie fell to the ground and I run downstairs to help her up.
"What happen? Where did the robber go?" Sophie ask me.
"He went out the back door. I can catch up to him an stop him before he is gone." I told Sophie that because I didn't want her going anywhere.
"Sophie you should stay here you have a bump on your head. We don't know if its a concussion or not." You should have seen Sophie's eyes. I thought she went mad.
"I am fine. I don't want that robber to leave with the files that he took from my house they're important. If I lose them my boss will fire me."
"What is in those files that you value so much?"
"I can't tell you all you need to know is there are important and we need to find them NOW!" Dang Sophie is really piss off. I get it they're important and it's up to me to get it or she will hang this over my head for a very long time.
"O.k. I will go, but I want you to stay here and wait for the police to come."
"If you are going you need to take my gun I don't want anything to happen to you. If something does happen to you I will regret that I let you leave the house." Aw how cute she does have emotions. I thought she is a cold-hearted woman, but she isn't. I took the gun and run to the backyard. I listen to see if I could hear any movement.
"We really need to get lights for the backyard."
I run into the forest at the same time I hear rustling in the bushes. I walk slowly to the bushes. I have to watch my footing because they're fallen tree branches on the ground an I can fall. I watch my steps and at the same time I cock the gun. I like the weight of it in my hands.
"WHO'S THERE?" I yell at the bush.
No one answer so I walk slowly to the bush hoping that the robber was there. The tension in the air is making my heart beat faster I can't take it. I reach for the bush and I jump back. It's a white rabbit with her babies.
"Oh my goodness you scare me." I let out a breath, but then I notice someone running away to the north forest.
"Hey stop robber!" I start running after the robber with every power in my being. You would have though that I run for a living because I am that fast. I jump over trees and past by a few animals that is in my way. I start shooting at the thief but my hits are not accurate enough to stop him.
I gain speed and I ran up to him and tackle him down like a football player. My brothers would be proud of me. It wasn't over he grab me and turn me over. He starts punching me, and I suspect that he want me to go unconscious. I put my hands up to my face to block his punches and it does me no good because I can still feel the pain. I want to be unconscious to get away from the pain, but I can't. I feel his punching stops and then he is force off of me. Their are policeman all around me. I can't believe it they came, and Sophie was beating the robber ass. The police is trying to pull her off of him, but it is no good.
I get up with the help of an EMT.
"I'm fine. SOPHIE! You can stop now. I'm fine."
"I know I'm just punching him to take out my frustrations."
A policeman came up to us and ask if the robber took anything.
"Yes he did he took important papers out of my den and I want them back. She reaches into his coat pocket and took out the important papers.
"They are all here thank goodness."
"Ma'am can I ask you what are in those papers." Sophie walk over to the policeman and gave him a look that would have melt chocolate.
"Mr. Policeman these are important papers that contain the instructions on how to create different worlds." She gave him another look and walk off. I wonder if that is the truth. Nothing surprises me about Sophie, but the policeman look dumbstruck.

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