Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Little Cafe


We see Michelle and Dean in a café in Chicago she is drinking an espresso and he is having a croissant. They are old college friends and they are catching up on old times. They start off talking about what they did in college and how there lives are now. Then Dean changes the subject.
“Michelle you know Halloween is coming up?”
“So what. I don’t like Halloween.” Dean move closer to her face.
“My mom birthday is on Halloween, and I am going to visit her on that day. I want to know if you would like to come with me.”
“Dean I barely know you and you want me to see your parents.”
“I know but I really like you and you know what…?” Michelle lean closer to him
“I’m afraid of Halloween night.” Michelle burst out laughing.
“Michelle it’s not funny.” Michelle is in tears from crying so hard. Her back hair falls in her face.
“Yes. It. Is.” Michelle said between laughs.
“Michelle what are you afraid of?”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I am not going to answer that one.”
“Ahh come on Michelle.” He gave her the puppy dog look.”
“Don’t give me that look, and I will answer a different question.” Michelle looks at him real hard.
“O.k. Let me see what question can I ask you?”
“Ohh I got it. What is the worst thing you ever done in your life?”
“The worst thing I’ve ever done.” Michelle thought about it.
“The worst thing I’ve ever done is steal a TV from a store with my older brother.”
“That’s impossible. No way that Is not true.”
“Yes it is. Don’t you know how easy it is to steal a TV?”
“What store?”
“I can’t say.”
“You can’t or won’t?”
“I won’t o.k. that was when I was fourteen.”

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