Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Sahara week six

Maggie is driving through this desolate desert with beads of sweat forming at her brow. She is mad because her air conditioner broke two hours ago, and she hates the heat. She is riding in her jeep to her friend excavation site which is in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Her cell phone starts to ring.
“Wow. I get service in the middle of the desert.” It is Daniel.
“Hello Maggie speaking please leave a message after the tone.” She said to Daniel jokingly.
“Maggie you are something special. I actually thought your answering machine pick up.”
“Well I am that convincing. I am going to be an actress after all. So I think I am heading in the right direction Danny. It is north right?” she ask him because she is unsure of her directions.
“Yes you’re right. If you keep heading north you should see the site. It is full of people. I don’t think you could mes it up.”
“Danny you know my sense of direction is not that good. I got lost going to school when I got my driver’s lincense. Do you remember me calling you up and crying?”
“Yeah I remember it was hilarious.” Daniel starts laugh at that memory.
“Maggie we walk to school every day, and then you get your license and forget how to get there. That made my day. I was laughing so hard.”
“Har. Har. Har. You know what? I am going to let you go. I will see you when I get there.” She hangs up the phone. Maggie hates that she brought up that memory, but he always laughs at that. She likes him so she will do anything to cheer him up.
As she is driving she sees a sidewinder snake in the sand. Maggie stops the car and get out. She is fascinated by the snake. She took her camera, which is around her neck and snap a picture of it. She loves pictures it is a hobby of hers to take pictures of anything she sees. She gets back into the car and she keeps driving. The drive takes her past some greenery which she has not seen since she left the city: It is an Oasis.
“It’s beautiful.” She stops her car at a safe distance and watches the animals at the spring. There are many different animals that are drinking water. She sees a camel come up and starts to take a drink next to a small fox. The camel has one hump and is chewing the grass around the Oasis. The fox has a red coat and he looks at the camel and walks away. Maggie starts taking pictures. She takes each one with pride.
“I am going to have an African collection of animals.” She gets back into her car and starts driving again. She keeps driving without stopping. Night comes and she finally see Daniel site.
“I have arrive. YES!!!!” She sees the guys still working on the site. As she look to her left she sees a outline of a castle.
“MAGGIE!!” Daniel screams her name. She look and see him. He look different since she last saw him six months ago. He grew a beard and he look as if he grew muscle.
“Hey Danny!” she stops the car and get out to hug him.
“I miss you. It has been a long time.” She tells him.
“You always say that every time we are on the phone.”
“I know but I like to say it again.”
“Maggie come on I have a lot to show you.” He took her hand and he grabs the lamp. She was amaze at the site. He has been digging there for five months and he found various items. They were old jewelry that had diamonds on them. Each piece of jewelry had a different color to it. One piece of jewelry caught her attention. It actually commanded attention. It was on a black cloth and it had diamonds all around it and it had a blue diamond in the middle.
“Daniel this piece is beautiful I like it. Do you know who own this piece of jewelry?”
“We think this place was own my kings and queens. There are jewelry here that seems to be what they would wear. We also found a gravesite which had symbols on it that would seem to be what a king would have, so that is a big find. There will be an anthropologist here next week to see if it is a true king.
“That is wonderful Daniel.”
“It is because that will put me on the map. It will show the world that I am a good anthropologist and a scholar. Let me show you. I have the place seal off from visitors, but I can show you.” He took her hand and she instantly melt. She love the way he feel to her. They walk through an underground tunnel where they were lamps hanging on the walls to guide there way to the entrance. She looks on the walls and there were various of Egyptian symbols that she could not understand. They made they way down a flight of stairs.
“Be careful because they are fragile. I don’t want you slipping down.” She walk carefully down the stairs. It was narrow and she felt her anxiety come up. She hate small and tight places it made her feel tight and close up.
“What’s wrong Maggie?”
“I have claustrophobia. I hate small and tight spaces.” He look concern.
“Maggie I could take you back up. I didn’t know. We can go back up.”
“No it is o.k. I want to see your discovery.”
“Your health means more to me than a discovery of some item.” Maggie shook her head.
“I want to continue lets go.” She is determine to see his discovery. They kept walking and to her it seem like hours before they reach their destination. They walk around a pole and made there way to the coffin. It was huge and the coffin was red and had symbols on it. It had a pharoh hold to staffs and he has a bird on top of his head. “Wow this is wonderful.” She stares in amazement.

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